Telephone numbers
Public transport and parking
Bus station, Zvornik: 056 211 635
When you arrive in Zvornik you can park your car in a public parking garage at the entrance to the town, in a parking lot by RK Zvorničanka, in front of “Maxi” market, in a parking lot next to B-blocks, in the bus station’s parking, a parking under the building of the Municipality, in parking lots next to Youth Center and green market. The average price of parking for the whole day is about 1,50 BAM.
Of course, Zvornik’s taxi drivers offer transport services and their stops are next to the Old Bridge, bus station and green market.
Important telephone numbers
Country code: +387
Area code for Zvornik: (0)56
Telephone numbers information: 1185
Police: 122
Accurate time: 125
Emergency road assistance: 1285
Firefighters: 123
Ambulance: 124
Police station, Zvornik: 210-128
Fire department, Zvornik: 210-133
Serbian Post office, Zvornik: 240-111, 210-208
Serbian Telekom, Zvornik: 212-210
Banks and exchange offices
Addiko bank, tel: +387(0) 56 232 600, 232 601
Unicredit bank, tel:+387(0) 56 210 341
Raiffeisen banka, tel: +387(0) 56 230 970
Pavlović International banka, tel: +387(0) 56 213 035
NLB Razvojna banka, tel: +387(0) 56 210 672, 210 080
Nova banka, tel: +387(0) 56 232 611; 232 623
Komercijalna banka, tel: +387 56 232 170
Health facilities
Health Centre, tel. 211-100
General Hospital, Zvornik, tel. 211-112
Expera pharmacy, Pharmacy number 15, tel. 215-973, open on weekdays from 7:00 to 19:00, on Saturday to 17:00, on Sunday to 15:00
Expera pharmacy, Pharmacy number 7, tel. 210-757, open on weekdays from 7:00 to 20:00, on Sunday to 15:00
Expera pharmacy, Pharmacy number 8, tel. 210-055, open on weekdays from 7:00 to 20:00, on Sunday to 15:00
Pharmacy “Belladonna”, tel. 210-522, open on weekdays from 7:00 to 20:00, on Saturday to 17:00, on Sunday to 14:00
Pharmacy “Zdravlje pharm”, tel. 232-480, open on weekdays from 7:00 to 22:00, on Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00
Gas stations
GS “Keso” -promet, tel. 210-097
GS “Nešković”, tel. 232-560
GS “Nestro-petrol” Zvornik, tel. 210-563; Karakaj, tel. 260-329
GS “Euro Petrol”, tel. 263-600, 263-602
GS “Boksit” Milići, tel. 263-615
GS “Petrol” Tršić, tel. 316-510
GS “Petrol” Glumina, tel. 319-520